20-21 February, 2025: Attended the first in-person meeting of the GUADIANS project
24,29 January, 5 February, 2025: Lectured Introduction to Python Programming in the Masters of Business Analytics, The Melbourne Business School, The University of Melbourne
13 November, 2024: Attended the University of Melbourne Wearable HealthTech Industry Forum
23 September, 2024: Co-chaired the Bioinformatics, Computational Biology & Omics keynote session at Biomolecular Horizons 2024, Melbourne
16 September, 2024: Chaired and preseted at the GA4GH Cancer Community Connect meeting, Park Hyatt Melbourne
16-19 September, 2024: Attended the GA4GH Connect and Plenary meetings, Park Hyatt Melbourne
12-13 September, 2024: Hosted, chaired, and presented at: The landscape of international human genomics data sharing and analysis activities, Australian BioCommons, The University of Melbourne
9 September, 2024: Attended and presented at the Bioinformatics Graduate Student Association (BGSA) Career Night, The University of Melbourne
30 August, 2024: Attended and presented an invited talk at the 24th Asia-Pacific Prostate Cancer Conference, Melbourne
25 June, 2024: Attended and presented a poster at the Cancer Bioinformatics Australia Symposium 2024, Melbourne
6-8 May, 2024: Attended the Pan Prostate Cancer Group Meeting in Sydney, Australia
11 March - 9 May, 2024: Lectured and Coordinated the subject Coding for Business Problems in the Masters of Business Analytics at the Melbourne Business School, The University of Melbourne
1 May, 2024: Gave lecture on Parallelism for the Masters of Science (Bioinformatics), The University of Melbourne
19 March, 2024: Presented at the ELIXIR Human Data Communities Meeting (online)
11 March, 2024: Visited the HELIOS study in Singapore
6 March, 2024: Gave lecture on Introduction to Bioinformatics Computing Resources for the Masters of Science (Bioinformatics), The University of Melbourne
29 February, 2024: Attended the ARDC leadership forum: Data and Platforms to Meet Australia’s Future Research Needs in Canberra
19-22 February, 2024: Attended and presented at the SupercomputingAsia 2024 conference in Sydney
2,7,12 February, 2024: Lectured Introduction to Python Programming in the Masters of Business Analytics, The Melbourne Business School, The University of Melbourne
8 December, 2023: Attended the Australian Cardiovascular Alliance Precision Medicine Flagship Symposiumat the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute
5 September, 2023: Panel member at the 'Trusted Research Environments for Health and Medical Research' event, hosted by ARDC
21 August, 2023: Presented at the 'Careers in genomics: Diverse qualifications & career pathways' event, hosted by Melbourne Bioinformatics/Melbourne Genomics
17-21 July, 2023: Attended and presented a talk and two posters at the XXIII International Congress of Genetics, Melbourne, Australia
13 March - 8 May, 2023: Lectured and Coordinated the subject Coding for Business Problems in the Masters of Business Analytics at the Melbourne Business School, The University of Melbourne
19-21 April, 2023: Attended and presented at the Pan Prostate Cancer Group Meeting in Madrid, Spain
15-18 March, 2023: Attended and presented a talk at the AACR Special Conference: Advances in Prostate Cancer, Denver, Colorado, USA
13 March, 2023: Started lecturing the subject Coding for Business Problems in the Masters of Business Analytics, The Melbourne Business School, The University of Melbourne
7 March, 2023: Gave lecture on Introduction to Bioinformatics Computing Resources for the Masters of Science (Bioinformatics), The University of Melbourne
3,6,8 February, 2023: Lectured Introduction to Python Programming in the Masters of Business Analytics, The Melbourne Business School, The University of Melbourne
30 November, 2022: Attended the ABACBS Conference and chaired a session at the Victorian Cancer Bioinformatics Symposium, Melbourne
15-16 November, 2022: Attended the Human Genomes Platforms Project Face-to-Face meeting, Sydney
19-20 October, 2022: Attended the Bioplatforms Australia All Hands Meeting, Sydney
10-12 October, 2022: Attended and presented at the Pan Prostate Cancer Group Meeting in Camogli, Italy
23 August, 2022: Gave lecture on Machine Learning, Masters of Science (Bioinformatics), The University of Melbourne
25 May, 2022: Gave lecture on Parallel Computing for Bioinformatics, Masters of Science (Bioinformatics), The University of Melbourne
29 March, 1 and 6 April, 2022: Lectured Introduction to Python Programming in the Masters of Business Analytics, The Melbourne Business School, The University of Melbourne
9 March, 2022: Gave lecture on Bioinformatics Computing Resources for the Masters of Science (Bioinformatics), The University of Melbourne
16 February, 2022: Participated and presented at the Australian BioCommons Webinar: Establishing Gen3 to enable better human genome data sharing in Australia
8 February, 2022: Participated and presented at NCI-Fujitsu HPC, Cloud and Data Futures Workshop
June - December, 2021: Participated in the infrastructure prototyping phase of the National Approach to Genomic Information Management (NAGIM) coordinated by Australian Genomics
14, 18 October, 2021: Participated in the GenoVic Data Management Workshops organised by Melbourne Genomics
13 July, 2021: Participated in the Health and Medical Research Sector Workforce Workshop 3, Melbourne
4 June, 2021: Participated in the Health and Medical Research Sector Workforce Workshop 2, Melbourne
11 May, 2021: Participated in the Health and Medical Research Sector Workforce Workshop 1, Melbourne
6 May, 2021: Lectured Parallel Computing for Bioinformatics, Masters of Science (Bioinformatics), The University of Melbourne
4 March, 2021: Participated and presented on global technologies and standards for sharing human genomics research data at the ARDC Project Exchange
30 March, 1 and 6 April, 2021: Lectured Introduction to Python Programming in the Masters of Business Analytics, The Melbourne Business School, The University of Melbourne
16 March, 2021: Gave lecture on Bioinformatics Computing Resources for the Masters of Science (Bioinformatics), The University of Melbourne
24-26 November, 2020: Attended and presented asynchronous talk, Australian Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Society (ABACBS) Conference 2020, online
20 November, 2020: Presented a seminar at the Monash Partners Comprehensive Cancer Consortium (MPCCC) Tech Talk series, online
28 October, 2020: Attended, presented poster, chaired session, and participated in the committee for the Victorian Cancer Bioinformatics Symposium 2020, online
18 - 22 July, 2020: Attended, gave presentation and workshop at the international Bioinformatics Community Conference (BCC) 2020, online
2 June, 2020: Gave lecture on Parallel Computing in Bioinformatics for the Masters of Science (Bioinformatics), The University of Melbourne
11 - 12 May, 2020: Attended the international Pan Prostate Cancer Group meeting (online)
March - May, 2020: Lectured the programming component for Business Analytics Foundations in the Masters of Business Analytics, The University of Melbourne
13 March, 2020: Hosted the international Pan Prostate Cancer Group Technical Working Group meeting (online)
25 - 26 November, 2019: Attended the National Computing Merit Allocation Scheme meeting as an observer, ANU Canberra
18 - 20 November, 2019: Attended the Pan Prostate Cancer Group Meeting in Oxford, UK.
5 - 6 September, 2019: Attended the Pan Prostate Cancer Group Technical Meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark.
30 August, 2019: Melbourne Bioinformatics talk about research websites.
20 - 23 March, 2019: Attended the The International Society for Gastrointestinal Hereditary Tumours (InSiGHT) meeting in Auckland New Zealand.
15 March, 2019: Gave lecture on Modern Genomics Technologies for the Masters of Science (Bioinformatics), The University of Melbourne.
30 January, 1 and 8 February, 2019: Lectured Introduction to Python Programming in the Masters of Business Analytics, The Melbourne Business School, The University of Melbourne.
14 - 15 January, 2019: Attended the Pan Prostate technical meeting, UCLA.
30 November, 2018: Co-organised and ran a workshop on Best Practices in Bioinformatics Software Development as part of the Australian Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Society (ABACBS) Conference, Melbourne.
27 - 28 November, 2018: Attended the Australian Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Society (ABACBS) Conference, and chaired the session on Cancer, Melbourne.
26 November, 2018: Attended the COMBINE Student Symposium, Melbourne.
3 - 4 September, 2018: Attended and presented at Familial Aspects of Cancer: Research and Practice in Kingscliff, NSW.
28 February, 2018: Attended the first Large Scale Computing Expertise Group at The University of Melbourne.
13 - 15 December, 2017: Attended the Pan Prostate Cancer Group Meeting, presented Melbourne Site Update, in Melbourne.